Monday, April 5, 2010

My New Journey: A Vegetable Garden

In my quest to save money and become healthier, I've wanted to start a garden.  We have ample space in our giant backyard, and have found the perfect place.  We bought 30 landscape timbers yesterday and began to lay them out to see which design will work the best, so here's a rough view of what we're starting with (awful, isn't it?):

Please keep in mind we are starting from SCRATCH here - I have a BROWN thumb!  This is the back corner of our yard, so it's been a little tricky trying to figure out how to place the beds for maximum production in this space. 

I placed nails at each corner, exactly 28" from the fence line on every side so I can make sure I have enough passage space to tend the gardens.  I then used yarn (it's a nice mohair blend don't you think?) and stretched it across each nail to get the exact measurements so I could draw this all out:

Here's the tricky part: the space itself measures 360" x 93" x 379" x 270" - HUH?  It's a puzzle for sure, but after some v-e-r-y careful math, I think I've got it measured out pretty nicely:

I know the spaces look weird, but you have to work with what you've got, folks!  LOL  We'll have a total of five raised beds, tapering down in size until we hit the back fence.  We're planning on building a cute fence along the top (largest) side of the garden and we'll be putting some citrus trees in front - I can't wait!!

It's our plan to have the beds built by this weekend so we can get a truckload of soil - I'll be posting updates througout the week - stay tuned for more gardening adventures tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! I have had a couple of gardens up here (CO), and I usually ended up frustrated. Like I expected a huge bounty, enough to can tomatoes for the winter. Id be happy if I was able to make a salsa! My mom can garden great up here though. And Texas should be great for gardening.


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