Tuesday, March 23, 2010

An Explaination and a Plea

I wanted to explain a few things to all of my loyal readers.  I started this site a few months ago to share my money savings tips and ideas with others, and it has been growing steadily (thanks everyone!).  I know there are many other money savings blogs out there and I appreciate each and every one of you who visit mine.

I realize I have been a little inconsistent lately, and I feel I need to explain how I find these deals and sales so you can understand what goes into each post.

When an ad comes in my mailbox (grocery ads on Weds) or I get one in the paper, I sit down and browse to see what catches my eye.  I then go page by painstaking page and see what deals I can match up with a coupon.  I try to find a paper coupon and/or a printable coupon to match, and then I type up the deal for you.  Each ad that I post is done PERSONALLY - I do not have anyone that does these for me.  Each one takes about 2 hours or more, depending on how many good deals there are.

I also post all sorts of deals and samples every day as I find them, and I've been trying to add a few personal posts as well.  All in all, I spend several hours A DAY updating this site with lots of great deals.  I do alot of posts in the morning, and some updates in the afternoon and evening.  I have updated every single day in the last few months, but I did take this past Sunday off to spend time with my family.  I may occasionally take days off, but I will do my best to post as often as possible.  As the site grows it takes more and more of my time - I have no problem with this at all, but it does make for some long days!  :o)   I still have a super busy home life, and I have come to realize it's difficult to keep the schedule I've planned sometimes. 

I'm still learning how to juggle my schedule to meet the needs of my family and the needs of my readers, so please bear with me as I get better and better!   I may have slip ups here and there, but please know that making this site the best it can be is my number one priority (besides my family of course)!

With that being said, my husband and I have been talking about adding some things to this site to make it better.  Here are some of our suggestions:

1. Weekly recipes.  These recipes will be ones I cook in my own kitchen, complete with pictures and how-to's.

2. Men's section. This section will help draw in male readers by providing coupons and deals that appeal to men, and my husband will also add comments and posts from a man's point of view.  He'll also provide auto tips, woodworking tips, and so on.

3. Garden section.  We are planning to add a vegetable garden to our own backyard, and we wanted to share our trials, tips, and tricks.   We're definitely beginners, so we figured it would be great to share our adventure.

4. Crafts section. This section will not be updated weekly, but will be updated frequently with crafts I've done with my own kids, my Girl Scout troop, or other great crafts I've seen.

5. Organizing section.  I have been on a mission to organize my home and my life so I can become more productive.  I would like to share my ideas, plans, and paperwork with all of you.  I've been scouting out some downloadable forms to help, and have gotten permission to share some forms with all of you.

6. Spotlight shopper.  This would be a weekly or bi-monthly post about how some of my readers are doing with their money saving adventures.  This should be fun - the idea came from a reader and I thought this would be a great way for us all to see how others save money.

These are just a few of our ideas, but I need YOUR HELP in deciding which ones to work on first - I'm also interested in any other ideas you may have to make this site more of what you need.  Launching a new section takes planning, so I will work on one new idea at a time.  PLEASE either leave a comment on this post (it can be anonymous if you wish) or email me at erica@5reasons2save.com and let me know what you'd like to see.  I am trying to tailor this site to my readers, which is why I am asking for your input - I truly value your opinion.

THANK YOU for all your help, comments, and encouragement along the way - I'm realy looking forward to hearing from you!


  1. I love this site, thank you for all you do! I know I want to see some recipes, but I think my husband would like the mens section.

    Can you add some tips on alternative ways to save money, aside from just using coupons? I use coupons but I need to learn how to save in everything I do and I just don't know where to start.

    Thank you, and I can't wait to see the new stuff!


  2. RECIPES for sure.
    Organizing tips too.

    Thank you for all you do.

  3. I want to see more about a home garden. I've wanted to start one for years but didn't know how. Recipes from the stuff you grow in your garden too maybe? I like all the ideas.

  4. You do have a great blog! You are just one person, I see on some of these blogs they have a few gals doing it and this is just you, so try not to be so hard on yourself! ;) I like the ideas, the man part is cool, the recipes and pictures are fun too. I also like polls, and the garden will be fun to watch grow, and the crafts. I actually like all the ideas, go for it mama!!

  5. I love the work you put up for all your readers. I have learned how to double coupon shop, which I never knew you could do,some stores are easier than others. I would like to see recipe's or gardening info. I really like the sight b/c I feel like your here for the best interest of every reader trying to help all of us save $$. And I feel it's genuine info. coming from someone that I don't know personally, but my ex works with your husband and he told me about your sight, so it's nice to know your local and very caring.

  6. Thank you so much! I am currently working on ways to make this site better - easier to read, less clutter, and more of the good stuff!

    I ABSOLUTELY care for all you! My husband and I have struggled sooo much being a one income family with 5 children, and we've needed all the help we can get. It honestly makes me feel great when my friends and readers tell me how they were able to save so much money at the stores!

    I am so very excited to learn to communicate better and talk more friend-to-friend with you all. I've been researching alot on how to make this site more enjoyable for everyone, so I really hope you like it! I have some new features in the works, and am even considering a new design overall...:o)

    Have a great day!


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